SBMA – Conference 06 – 07 June 2024 Radisson Hotel & Convention Centre, Johannesburg, O.R. Tambo Single Registration or Staff, Deligates and Sponsors.Single Registration or Staff, Deligates and Sponsors. 25%Personal Information*PrefixPlease selectMrMrsMsMissDrProfNameEmail address*Contact number*CompanyNextDesignationJob title / Position and your companyRole*Please selectGuestStaffAttendees / Delegate / Board member of SBMASponsor / ExhibitorYour role at the SBMA conference 2024ID NumberBASIC EXHIBITOR Stand size: 4m² (2m x 2m) 1 table & 2 chairs A6 colour ad in programme No meals or refreshments R7500 TALK ONLY SPONSOR No exhibition stand 10 minute talk time A4 colour ad in programme R25 000 STANDARD EXHIBITOR Stand size: 9m² (3m x 3m) Shell schme-corner stand A5 colour ad in programme 2x stand rep meals & snacks R20 000 GOLD SPONSOR Stand size: 18m² (6m x 3m) —To build own stand 10 min talk time / not in basic A4 colour ad in programme 4x stand rep meals & snacks 4x Gala Dinner guests /not basic R55 000 Exhibition / Sponsor Registration*Please selectBasic Exhibitor R7 500Standard Exhibitor R20 000Talk Only Sponsor - R25 000Standard + Talk - R45 000Gold Sponsor - R55 000Who will be responsible for payment?Please selectI am responsibleMy CompanyCompany VAT NumberBackNextDo you require accommodation?*Please selectYesNoSingle Rate: R1818.00 per night | Double Rate / Twin: R2020.00 per night.How many nights will you stay at the Radisson Hotel?*Please select12345Check-in Date*Check-out Date*Are you bringing a partner?*Please selectYesNoRoom*Please selectSingleSharing Double BedSharing Twin BedsBed arrangement Double*Please selectDouble BedTwin BedsBed arrangement - Single*Please selectSingle BedPartner InformationNamePartner Email address*Contact number for PartnerWill your partner attend the conference with you?*Please selectYesNoBackNextAre you flying?Please selectYesNoAirlineArriving onFlight NumberDeparting onTERMS AND CONDITIONS: This is a binding agreement. All cancellations must be done in writing. No cancellation of delegates, sponsors or exhibtors on or after 1 June 2024 will be allowed or refunded. Substitutes will be permitted if stated in writing on or before 1 June 2024. The SBMA, appointed agents or other sub-contractors cannot be held liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience that may arise. All invoiced amounts paid will be paid to the relevant parties on your behalf. Should the SBMA cancel the conference for any reason whatsoever, all amounts paid will be refunded in full. The programme may change subject to availability of speakers. I hereby give permission to the SBMA to distribute our details to only the registered exhibitors of the 2024 SBMA National Conference.*Yes, I agree and give my consentIn line with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), I hereby give consent to Invictus International to store my personal information on behalf of SBMA.*Yes, I give my consentBackRegisterThis field should be left blank